Needless to say, some people will say that there is no way that Jonathan Swift could have information about Sanskrit since European linguists did not have this info until the late 1700's. Truth is, European missionaries were familiar with Sanskrit circa 1600, 100 years before Gulliver's Travels. See author's defense of the Sanskrit Puns theory and other concerns regarding the theory, including how the genesis of Gulliver's Travels is Hindu-related. Also, there are contrived actions by Swift and his gang with regards to getting the book published and how we, the readers, get to adjust the story--all according to Swift/Gulliver.
(Note: The words appearing in ALL CAPITALS represent the words italicized in Gulliver's Travels. If your copy of the book has no such words, then you have the wrong edition. Members of academia should take heed of this.)
In 1726, Jonathan Swift wrote GULLIVER'S TRAVELS. Part 4 of this story features the YAHOOS, a name "invented" by him to refer to a race of creatures who are in the form of men. They are portrayed as being bestial, uncultivated, violent and loutish brutes (Cf. phrase BRUTE FORCE). The fourth and sixth paragraphs of Chapter 7 describe them thus:
"That, as to myself, it was manifest I had neither the Strength or Agility of a common YAHOO...."
"That I could neither run with Speed nor climb Trees like my Brethren (as he called them) the YAHOOS."
"He was the more confirmed in this Opinion, because he observed, that as I agreed in every Feature of my Body with other, except where it was my real Disadvantage in point of Strength, Speed and Activity..."
Chapter 6, paragraph 14: because I far exceeded in Shape, Colour, and Cleanliness, all the YAHOOS of this Nation, although I seemed to fail in Strength and Agility..."
Chapter nine, paragraph 2, also describes them as being "restive".
Cf. Sanskrit root YAHU, "restless, swift; strong", akin to YAHVA, "restless, swift, active; continually moving". According to A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, YAHVA is synonymous with YAJAMAANA, "sacrificer; sacrificing; person paying for the price of a sacrifice; institutor of a sacrifice." Although this word is used in Sanskrit to refer to a religious sacrifice with priests, Jonathan Swift seems to have perverted or misinterpreted its meaning. He writes in Chapter 5, paragraph 4: "Because a Soldier is a YAHOO hired to kill in cold Blood as many of his own Species, who have never offended him, as possibly he can." He continues in Chapter 5, paragraph 2: "About a million of Yahoos might have been killed in the Progress of it [a war]".
The word YAHOO also has other sources, being derived from other, various languages. For more info on that, go to this site.
It is important to point out that the actual pronunciation of Skt. YAHU is something like "yuh-huh", wherein the letter a is pronounced as in "micA"; and the u as in "bUsh". But it would seem conceivable that it would be pronounced "yaw-hoo" when viewed by British eyes.
Another character-word occurs in Part 1, Chapter 5, paragraph 3: "for the Channel growing shallower every Step I made, I came in a short Time within Hearing; and holding up the End of the Cable by which the Fleet was fastened, I cryed in a loud Voice, Long live the most puissant Emperor of Lilliput. This great Prince received me at the Landing with all possible Encomiums ["expressions of high praise"], and created me a Nardac upon the Spot, which is the highest Title of Honor among them." Let's face it: the only thing going on here is yelling, praising and honoring. Cf. Skt. root NARD > NARDATI, "to roar, sound"; NARDA, "bellowing"; NARDADAT, "praising, proclaiming"; NARDADANIIYA, "to be praised aloud"; AC, "honor".
2-4-4:.."One Day the Governess ordered our Coachman to stop at several Shops, where the Beggars watching their Opportunity, crouded [sic] to the sides of their Coach, and gave me the most horrible Spectacles that ever an EUROPEAN Eye beheld. There was a Woman with a Cancer on her Breast, swelled to a monstrous size, full of holes, in two or three of which I could have easily crept, and covered my whole Body."
1) EUROPEAN: URO, "breast"; PIYANA, "swell" (from PII). To this we could most likely add Skt. URU, "much [i.e, "very"?], large, expansive". And as we have seen, he conceals himself; and for some reason unknown to me, A Sanskrit-English Dictionary mentions, in relation to URU, the word UURNU, "cover".
The swelling of the breasts is the main theme occurring. Do not expect the puns to be King's English or a work of great literature.
2-8-13: "For although the Queen had ordered a little Equipage of all things necessary while I was in her Service, yet my Ideas were wholly taken up with what I saw on every side of me, and I winked at my own Littleness as People do at their own faults. The captain understood my Raillery very well, and merrily replied with the old ENGLISH Proverb, that he doubted mine Eyes were bigger than my belly, for he did not observe my Stomach so good, although I had fasted all Day; and continuing his Mirth, protested he would have gladly given a hundred Pounds to have seen my Closet in the Eagle's Bill, and afterwards in its fall from so great a height into the Sea..."
1) ENGLISH: AN'GA, "body"; LIS'H, "be little". That is, his body was small.
2A) ENGLISH: AN, "not"; GLESH, "investigate" (i.e., "not observe, not see").
2B) ENGLISH: AN, "not"; GAL, "eat"; AS'H, "eat".
3) ENGLISH: ENAA, "in this manner"; GAL, "drop from a body"; IISH, "behave like a master/person of authority/ruler [the queen; the captain]; order".
3-1-10: "I stood upon a Height about two hundred Yards from the Shoar, and saw this vast Body descending almost to a Parallel with me, at less than an ENGLISH Mile distance. I took out my Pocket-Perspective, and could plainly discover Numbers of People moving up and down the Sides of it, which appeared to be sloping, but what those People were doing, I was not able to distinguish".
1) ENGLISH: ENAA, "in this fashion"; GLESH, "investigate".
3-8-11: "How the Pox under all its Consequences and Denominations had altered every Lineament of an ENGLISH Countenance, shortened the size of Bodies, unbraced the Nerves, relaxed the Sinews and Muscles, introduced a sallow Complexion, and rendered the Flesh loose and RANCID"
1) ENGLISH: AN'GA, "body"; LISHTA, "decayed, wasted" < LIS'H, "be small, lessen".
2) RANCID: English, meaning "in a state of decay".
"Next I saw HANNIBAL passing the ALPS, who told me he had not a Drop of Vinegar in his Camp." The above passage represents an entire paragraph, nothing more. Truth is, even the most unimaginative hack writer would consider it to be pure, unadulterated crap, and any self-respecting editor would demand a re-write--unless you consider the reason.....
1) HANNIBAL: Skt. HAA, "be deprived of, be wanting in"; ANNA, "food, water". (Vinegar is a watery food); BAL, "mention." (He mentioned he had no food/vinegar.)
ALPS: A, "not"; ALPA, "a small quantity".
Okay, as shown by the four previous examples, it is obvious that the author used Sanskrit in this work. The question is, to what degree did he continue doing so? That usage is widespread, as shown hereafter by several examples of wordplay based on Sanskrit. They take the form of not only puns, but also forms of Sanskritic "gibberish" which represent the events, actions and ideas found within the paragraphs. On other occasions, Swift used Sanskrit as a way of making humorous comments on the side, as you will learn. I have coined the term "Jonathan Swifties" to refer to all of these wordplays.
The reader is also advised thatvery often the wordplay gets sloppy because Swift threw many elements together to form the puns. You'll find out...
Note: For those readers who know little or nothing of Sanskrit, take note of some of its letters in its alphabet in order to better understand what is occurring: A, AA, I, II,U, UU, RI, RII, R, K, KH, G, GH, C(=CH), CHH, J, JH, P, PH, B, BH, SH#1=S', SH#2=S, S, T, TH, T, TH, D, DH, D, DH, N, NJ=N~, N, N', LRI, LRII, H, H. The Swift treated B the same as BH; similarly, A=AA, etc.
Walker, Benjamin. THE HINDU WORLD
1-8-10: "I shall not trouble the Reader with a particular Account of this Voyage, which was very prosperous for the most part. We arrived in the Downs on the 13th of APRIL 1702."
1) APRIL: A, "not"; AAP, "arrive"; PRII, "be occupied". In other words, "not occupy/trouble" the reader upon arrival. I was unable to reconcile the final letter.
1-8-10 continues: "I had only one one Misfortune, that the Rats on board carried away one of my Sheep; I found her Bones in a Hole, picked clean from the Flesh. The rest of my Cattle I got safe on Shore, and set them a grazing in a Bowling-Green at GREENICH, where the Fineness of the Grass made them feed very heartily, though I had always feared the contrary: neither could I possibly have preserved them in in so long a Voyage, if the Captain had not allowed me some of his best Bisket, which rubbed to Powder, and mingled with Water, was their constant Food. The short Time I continued to ENGLAND, I made a considerable Profit by shewing my Cattle to many Persons of quality...."
1A) ENGLAND: ENAA, "in this fashion"; GLAA/GLAI, "cause to perish"; ANNA, "food, water".
1B) ENGLAND: ENA, "this"; GAL, "eat"; ANNA, "food".
2) GREENWICH:GRIHIN, "possessing a house"; NICHA, "small". "Good House" appears in the next paragraph. He gets a house for his family but confesses of having "my insatiable Desire of seeing foreign Countries [that] would suffer me to continue no longer". Later, there is mention of LIVERPOOL.
1) LIVERPOOL: LII, "settle down, stick" ("around?"); IVA, "in a certain manner, a little"; PULU, "having many desires". He hangs around, this part ends, and the first thing that occurs in Part 2 is his eventual departure. There is also mention of EPPING: E, "come back, go"; PI, "go"; IN'G, "go". Gulliver also mentions his wife, his daughter BETTY, and how his son, JOHNNY, got his name from his uncle; trouble is, it came from the wife, Cf. Skt. JANI, "wife"; Hindi-Urdu BETII, "daughter".
1-2-10: "The next Thing [the king] demanded was one of the hollow Iron Pillars, by which he meant my Pocket-Pistols. I drew it out, and at his desire, as well as I could, expressed to him the Use of it; and charging it only with Powder, which by the closeness of my Pouch happened to escape wetting in the Sea...., I first cautioned the Emperor not to be afraid, and then let it of in the Air. The Astonishment here was much greater than at the sight of my Scymiter. Hundreds fell down as if they had been struck dead....I delivered up both my Pistols in the same Manner, as had done my Scymiter, and then my Pouch of Powder and Bullets; begging him that the former might be kept from the Fire, for it would kindle with the smallest Spark, and blow up his Imperial Palace into the air." The word ENGLAND appears later on in this paragraph.
1A) ENGLAND: ENAA, "in this manner"; GLAI/GLAA, "injure, cause to perish, feel aversion"; INDH, "set on fire, kindle".
1B) ENGLAND: ENAA, "in this manner"; LAN'GH, "escape"; UND, "wet".
2-3-8: "The Queen became so fond of my Companion, that she could not dine without me...I had an entire Set of silver Dishes and Plates, and other Necessaries, which in Proportion to those of the Queen, were not much bigger than what I have seen of the same kind in a LONDON Toy-shop, for the Furniture of a Baby-house...Her majesty used to put a Bit of Meat upon one of my Dishes, out of which I carved for myself; and her Diversion was to see me eat in Miniature. For the Queen (who had indeed but a weak Stomach) took up at one Mouthful, as much as a Dozen ENGLISH Farmers could eat at a Meal, which to me was for some time a very nauseous sight... She drank, out of a golden Cup, above a Hogshead at a Draught. Her Knives were twice as long as a Scythe, set strait upon the Handle. The Spoons, Forks and other Instruments were all in the same Proportion. I remember when [my lover] Glumdalclitch carried me out of curiosity to see some of the Tables at Court, where ten or a dozen of these enormous Knifes and Forks were lifted up together, I thought I had never, till then, beheld so terrible sight".
1A) ENGLISH: ENA, "in this fashion"; GAL, "eat"; IISH, "behave like a ruler".
1B) ENGLISH: ENAA, “in this fashion”; GLAI, "be hard on someone, cause to faint"; ISH, "a draught".
2) LONDON: Uncertain
1-1-6: "They made me a Sign that I should throw down the two Hogsheads [of wine], but first warned the People below to stand out of the Way; crying aloud BORACH MIVOLA; and when they saw the Vessel in the Air..."
BORACH MIVOLA:Sp. BORRACHO, "drunk"; MIIV, “move”; MIIVARA, "hurtful"; MIIVAA, defined by some to mean "air" (the machines in the air); OLA, “wet”. (In English the word wet can refer to alcoholic beverages.); OLAND, "to throw out, reject".
There is a lot of partying, including the consumption of BURGUNDY: "I confess that I was often tempted while they were passing backwards and forwards over my Body, to seize forty or fifty of the first that came in my Reach, and dash them against the Ground".
1) BURGUNDY: BHUR, "move quickly, agitate"; GUND, "pound"; DYAAVA, “pertaining to the ground”.
2-1-14+15: When he was sleeping Gulliver is suddenly awoken by some RATS who crawl up the curtains and run around on the bed. He arises in fright, draws out a weapon and victoriously kills one of them. Gulliver himself is bloody. Then his mistress (lover) enters the room, she calls and then is pleased that all is well.
RA, “amorous love"; A, "a particle of pain"; ATT, "kill"; AT, "prefix of surprise"; AT, "run, obtain"; RAATRI, “night, season of rest”; RATH, "speak”; RATA, "pleased”; RAT, “crash (a weapon)”; RAATI, "battle"; RATHA, "champion". These are the RATS.
2-2-1: At night, "The Cradle was put into a small Drawer of a Cabinet, and the Drawer placed upon a hanging Shelf for fear of the RATS . [Cf. Skt. RAT, 'scream'; AT, 'obtain'; ATTA, ‘high, watchtower’=’high place’]. This was my Bed all the Time I stayed with those People, although made more convenient by Degrees, as I began to learn their Language, and make my Wants known. This young Girl was so handy, that after I had once or twice pulled off my Cloaths before her, she was able to dress and undress me, although I never gave her that Trouble when she would let me do either my self;....she constantly washed for me with her own Hands. She was likewise my School-Mistress to teach me the Language: When I pointed to any thing, she told me the name of it in her own Tongue, so that in a few Days I was able to call for whatever I had a mind to. She was very good natured, and not above forty Foot high..."
1) RATS: Cf. Skt. RA, “love, amorous play". An emotional relationship will develop between them; AT, "obtain"; ATTA, "high, overbearing conduct"; RATI, “fondness”; RATA, "delight, play, caress, know carnally"; RATHA, "pleasure"; RATH, "speak”=”language, tongue”.
2-2-2: "She said, her MAMMA and PAPA had promised that [Gulliver] should be hers..."
Of relevance are MAMA, "genitive singular of 1st.person pronoun", akin to MAAMA, "belonging to mine"; MAMAKA, "my, mine"; MAAM, "me"; MAAMAKA "mine, greedy, selfish,". In paragraphs 2-2-2 through 2-2-6, the English words I, me, and my appear 99 times. In 2-2-2, needless too say, Gulliver is not too happy about being shown off to the crowd of people. (Cf. MAA, “show, exhibit”). Needless to say, it does him no good as he is shown off to the adoring townspeople. (=MAA, a word implying “prohibition”) Also in 2-2-2, there is actual mention or implication of the following concepts represented by Skt. PAAPAA "boding evil, misfortune, harm, mischief, hell, miserably". There is also mention of a lamb being killed by the butcher (="beast of prey"? Or is the lamb the animal who is preyed upon? ).
2-2-3 mentions liquor, Cf. Skt. PA/PAPI, "drinking alcoholic beverage").
2-2-2 continues: "For my own part, I may truly affirm that I was less concerned than my Nurse. I had a strong Hope which never left me, that I should one day recover my Liberty, and as to the Ignominy of being carried about for a Monster, I considered myself to be a perfect Stranger in the Country; and that such a Misfortune could never be charged upon me as a Reproach if ever I should return to ENGLAND since the King of GREAT BRITAIN himself, in my Condition, must have undergone the same distress."
1) GREAT BRITAIN: Cf. Skt. GRATHILA, "possessed by an evil spirit" (from GRATH); BRII, "pick out a person'; BHRII, "blame"; BHRII, "injure, be angry"; BHRITA, "carried"; TAN, "endure"; TAN, "afflict with pain".
2) ENGLAND: E, "particle of censure, contempt"; ENAS, “misfortune"; GLAANA, "feeling dislike"; LAN'GH. "escape from"; LAN'GA [=LA{GA], "lover".
2-2-4: "I drew out my Hanger, and flourished with it after the Manners of Fencers in ENGLAND. My Nurse gave me part of a Straw, which I exercised as a Pike, having learned the Art in my Youth. I was that day shewn to twelve sets of Company, and as often forced to go over again with the same Fopperies, till I was half dead with weariness and Vexation....My Master for his own Interest would not suffer any one to touch me except my Nurse; and, to prevent danger, Benches were set around the table at such a Distance as put me out of every body's reach. However, an unlucky School-Boy aimed a hazel Nut directly at my Head, which very narrowly missed me; otherwise, it came with so much violence that it would have infallibly knocked out my Brains, for it was almost as large as a small Pumpion ["pumpkin"]: But I had the satisfaction to see the young Rogue well beaten, and turned out of the Room."
1A) ENGLAND: ENAA, "in this manner"; GLA, "cause to be weary, injure, cause to perish, feel aversion towards something, be reluctant, injure"; ENDH, “be inflamed”=”make mad”.
IB) ENGLAND: ENAA, “in this manner”; GLAHA, "a throwing; person aimed at"; ANDA, "testicles"="nuts.
2-2-8: They take Lodging. Gulliver's function is to "act my part" as a side-show curiosity/freak. He could by now speak their language, having "learned their Language" and could relate a few sentences. There is mention of SANSON'S ATLAS.
1) SANSON'S: SA, "learned";
S’ANS, "relate, speak"; SAN, "acquire"; ONI, "shelter".
2) ATLAS: AT, "obtain"; LAS, "exercise an art".
2-4-4: "The king's Palace is no regular Edifice, but a Heap of buildings about seven Miles round: The chief Rooms are generally two hundred and forty Foot high, and broad and long in Proportion. A coach was allowed to Glumdalclitch and me, where in the governess frequently took her out to see the Town, or go among the Shops; and I was always of the party, carried in my Box; although the Girl at my own Desire would often take me out, and hold me in her hand, that I might more conveniently view the Houses and the People, as we passed along the Streets. I reckoned our Coach to be about a Square of WESTMINSTER-HALL, but not altogether so high, however.....There was a Fellow with a Wen in his Neck, larger than five Woolpacks, and another with a couple of wooden Legs, each about twenty Foot high. But, the most hateful Sight of all was the Lice crawling on their cloaths [sic]. I could see distinctly the Limb of these Vermin with my naked Eye, much better than those of an EUROPEAN Louse through a Microscope, and their Snouts with which they rooted like Swine. They were the first I had ever beheld, and I should have been curious enough to dessect [sic] one of them, if I had proper Instruments (which I unluckily left behind me in the ship) although indeed the Sight was so nauseous, that it perfectly turned my Stomach."
WESTMINSTER-HALL: Some of the following concepts occur in the above, quoted section and some later on in 2-4-4, to be dealt with soon. Cf. Skt. roots VES’A, "house"; ES, "creep, crawl"; ESTA, "that which is desired"; MI, "construct" (construct="building"); MINDAA, “body defect”; MINMINA, "speak indistinctly through the nose" (=MINS-); INA, "king"; TARA, "carrying (across)"; HALA, "a land measurement".
2A) ENGLISH: ENAA, "in this fashion"; GLA, "cause to faint, feel aversion"; IIS’H, "govern, order".
2B) ENGLISH: AN’GA, “limb"; GLESH, "investigate"; ESHYA, "be examined, medically probed".
2-5-4: "This Accident absolutely determined Glumdalclitch never to trust me abroad for the future out of her sight. I had long been afraid of this Resolution, and therefore concealed from her some little unlucky Adventures that happened in those Times when I was left to my self. Once a Kite hovering over the Garden made a Stoop at me, and I had not resolutely drawn my Hanger, and run under a thick Espalier, he would have certainly carried me away in his Talons. Another Time walking to the Top of a fresh Mole-hill, I fell to my Neck in the Hole, through which that Animal had cast up the Earth, and coined some Lie, not worth remembering, to excuse my self for spoiling my Clothes. I likewise broke my right Shin against the Shell of a Snail, which I happened to stumble over, as I was walking alone, and thinking on poor ENGLAND.
1) ENGLAND: Cf. Skt. roots ENA, a grammatical particle used when something is referred to, which has already been mentioned in a previous part of a sentence (="likewise, therefore"); ENAA, "in this fashion, beyond here, at this time"; GLA, "feel aversion, be disinclined to do something, injure"; ANDH, "make blind" (in this case="conceal from her sight").
2-5-5: "When I attempted to catch any of these Birds, they would boldly turn against me, endeavouring to pick my Fingers which I durst not venture within their Reach; and then they would turn back unconcerned, to hunt for Worms and Snails, as they did before. But one Day I took a thick Cudgel, and threw it with all my Strength so luckily at a Linnet, that I knocked him down, and seizing him by the Neck with both my Hands, ran with him in Triumph to my Nurse. However, the Bird, who had been only stunned, recovering himself, gave me so many Boxes with his Wings on both Sides of my Head and Body, though I held him at Arms length, and was out of the Reach of his Claws, that I was twenty Times thinking to let him go. But I was soon relieved by one of our Servants, who wrung off the Bird's Neck, and I had him next Day for Dinner, by the Queens' Command. This Linnet, as near as I can remember, seemed to be somewhat larger than an ENGLISH Swan."
1) ENGLISH: Cf. Skt. roots ENAA, "in this manner"; GLA, "cause to perish, kill, harm"; IISH, "command, be strong"; IISH, "attack, fly away, escape"; ISH, "throw"; ISH, "endeavor to obtain, attempt, command"; ISH, "running quickly". Again, this shows the author’s habit of “stacking” several words upon each other.
2-5-12: "He took me up in his right Fore-foot, and held me as a Nurse does a Child she is going to suckle, just as I have seen the same sort of Creature do with a kitten in EUROPE."
1) EUROPE: YU, "take hold"; URO, "breast"; RUUP, "represent by an act".
2-5-15: "And yet I have seen the More of my own Behaviour very frequent in ENGLAND since my Return, where a little contemptible Varlet, without the least Title to Birth, Person, Wit, or common Sense, shall presume to look with importance, and put himself upon a Foot with the greatest Persons of the Kingdom".
1) ENGLAND: ENA, "this"; GLAI, "dislike, be hard on someone"; LUNDII, "proper behaviour, acting or judging correctly".
2-5-16: "There was a Cow-Dung in the Path, and I must needs try my Activity by attempting to leap over it. I took a Run, but unfortunately jumped short, and found my self just in the Middle up to my Knees. I waded through with some Difficulty, and one of the Footmen wiped me clean as he could with his Handkerchief; for I was filthily bemired, and my Nurse confined me to my Box till we returned home; where the Queen was soon informed of what had passed, and the Footmen spread it about the Court; so that all the Mirth, for some Days, was at my expense." The word ENGLAND appears in the preceding paragraph.
1) ENGLAND: AN'G, "move" (i.e., "run"); AA-LII, "settle down upon"; LANDA, "dung".
2) ENGLAND: Cf. Skt. AN'GA, "body; any limb"; LINDU, "slimy" (the mire); LANDA, "dung". He moved into the slimy dung, up to the knee/limb.
3) ENGLand:: AN, "go, move"; GLA, "be hard on someone" (i.e., "move with difficulty"); LANDA, "dung". They were also hard on him about being in the dung.
2-8-5: "..the captain, Mr. THOMAS WILCOCKS, an honesty worthy SHROPSHIRE Man, observing I was ready to faint, took me into his Cabin, gave me a Cordial to comfort me, and made me turn in upon his own Bed; advising me to take a little Rest of which I had great need. Before I went to sleep I gave him to understand... that my Closet was hung on all sides, or rather quilted with Silk and Cotton: That if he would let one of the Crew bring my Closet into his Cabin, I would open it before him, and shew him my Goods. The Captain hearing me utter these Absurdities, concluded that I was raving: However,...he promised to give Order as I desired; and going upon Deck, sent some of his Men down into my Closet, from whence...they drew up all my Goods, and stripped off the Quilting; but the Chairs, Cabinet and Bed-sted being screwed to the Floor, were much damaged by the Ignorance of the Seamen, who tore them up by force. Then they knocked off some of the Boards for the Use of the Ship; and when they had got all they had a Mind for, let the Hulk drop into the Sea...And indeed I was glad not to have been a Spectator of the Havock they made; because i am confident it would have sensibly touched me, by bringing former Passages into my Mind, which I had rather forget."
1) THOMAS: TAMAS, "mental darkness"; TAM, "faint away, be distressed".
2) WILCOCKS:; VELL, "be agitated, tossed about" [the chairs, bed, etc.]; CAKSH, "observe".
3) SHROPSHIRE: S'HRAPA/S’HRAPANA from S'HRAA, "seethe", which, in English, can refer to mental turmoil; S'HIRA, "head".
3-2-16: "...the King sent a Warrant to search for her, and she was found in an obscure Eating-house all in Rags, having pawned her Clothes to maintain an old deformed Footman, who beat her every Day, and in whose Company she was taken much against her Will".
1) ENGLISH (from 3-2-17): AN'GA, "any limb of the body", that is, "foot". GLAI, "injure, be disinclined to do something”; IISH, “behave like a person of authority”.
3-9-6+7: " The King was much delighted with my Company and ordered his BLIFFMARKLUB or high Chamberlain to appoint a Lodging in the Court for me and my Interpreter, with a daily Allowance for my Table, and a large Purse of Gold for my common Expenses. I stayed three Months in this Country out of perfect Obedience to his Majesty, who was pleased highly to favour me, and made me very honourable Offers. But I thought it more consistent with Prudence and Justice to pass the remainder of my Days with my Wife and family".
1) BLIFFMARKLUB: In Sanskrit, there is no F-letter/sound, so consider, instead, BLI-MARK-LUB: BLII, "make a choice"; MAH, "esteem highly, delight in, honor"; AARCA, "doing homage", that is, "doing something in consideration of someone's worth, respect"; LUBH, "long for, efface/withdraw".
4-5-15: "in pleading, they studiously avoid entering into the MERITS of the Cause; but are loud, violent and tedious in dwelling upon the CIRCUMSTANCES which are not to the Purpose. For instance, in the Case already mentioned; They never desire to know what Claim or Title my Adversary had to my COW, but whether the said COW were Red or Black, her Horns long or short; whether the Field I graze her in be round or square, whether she was milked at home or abroad, what Diseases she is subject to, and the like; after which they consult PRECEDENTS, adjourn the Cause, from Time to Time, and in Ten, Twenty, or Thirty Years come to an Issue” [“agreement”].
1A) COW: Here, Swift refers to two quotes by famous authors: a) Chaucer: "God sendeth a shrew cow a short horne"; b) Skakespeare: "It is said, God sends a curst cow short hornes, but to a cow too curst he sends none".
1B) COW: English COW is an obsolete form of CHOUGH, "chatterer", someone who babbles a long time.
2) MERIT: ME, "imitative of the sound of a bleating goat". The word BLEAT can be "used contemptuously of the human voice", meaning "babble"; RIT, "quarrel".
3) CIRCUMSTANCES: CIRA, "lasting a long time"; KUU, "cry out, make a sound"; UM, "particle of agreement"; STAN, "roar, utter inarticulate words"; STHAANA, "act of standing in/on a fixed position".
4) PRECEDENTS: PRE, "go away, depart" (="adjourn", which can mean "move (to another place)"; CED, "and, as well as", also used to express a connection between two acts (="For instance, in the Case already mentioned"); DHANTII, which is synonymous with VAAKYA-VIS’ESA: a) VAAKYA, "speech, assertation, argument"; b) VIS’ESA, "difference between something". Yes,this paragraph needs reworking perhaps.
4-6-1: "I replied, that ENGLAND (the dear Place of my Nativity) was computed to produce three times the quantity of Food, more than its Inhabitants are able to consume, as well as Liquors extracted from Grain, or pressed out of the Fruit of certain Trees, which made excellent Drink..."
1) ENGLAND: ANNA, "food"; GAL, "consume by eating"; ANDHAS, "Soma juice", which is a fermented juice extract.
4-11-14: "He told me there was an ENGLISH Ship in Port just ready to sail, and he would furnish me with all things necessary. It would be tedious to repeat his Arguments, and my Contradictions. He said it was altogether impossible to find such a solitary Island as I had desired to live in; but I might command in my own House, and pass my time in a manner as recluse as I pleased."
1) ENGLISH: AN, “not”; GLAI, "be hard on someone" [i.e., be easy on himself]; IIS'H, "command".
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